Dad: We will now begin the press conference. I have a brief opening statement and then will be taking questions. My wife and I are extremely sorry that we have not kept you in the loop of the happenings in our lives. We are both well and the baby is So, I will begin answering questions... Yes, Barbara Walters.
Barbara: Can you teww us how far awong Juwie is in her pregnancy?
Dad: 14 weeks and the baby is about 4 inches long. Yes, Harry Caray.
Harry: HOLY COW! IsItABoy...or a Girl!?! And are ya gonna find out?
Dad: We do not know yet, but yes we are planning on finding out. Most experts say we will not know until the 20th week. Yes, Howard Cosell.
Howard: With the emergence of the modern athlete and the father son duo of agent and player and the possibility of having a boy and therefore with the father being William John Mulligan the third, is it possible Mr. Mulligan that we could see a William John Mulligan the fourth, and what would be the likelihood of the future superstar excelling at the sport of Golf?
Dad: If it is a boy we will have a fourth, and yes we have kicked around the golf idea with him having both Mulligan and 4 in his name. Last question. Yes John Madden...
Madden: What about naming the kid Brett Favre. Doesn't matter if its a boy or a girl. It's a great name for a girl too, and I'll bet she'll throw a mean football. I love boys names for girls!
Dad: Well John, we do have a name picked out and it is usually a boys name, but not Brett. It's Ryan Elizabeth Mulligan. That is all. We will leave with Pictures to publish... in your various... publishings...anyway that's it.
You are nuts! Nothing from Marv Albert?
Love Dad
billy you have too much time on your hands!?
great post, i love the pictures. it's so tiny still, but can't wait to meet that baby. :) looks more like a little baby this time, and less alien-ish
loved the press conference! here's 1 piece of advice i'll share...make sure the ultrasound technician is 100% sure of the gender! dave's sister had a baby in feb. and they knew for months and months they were having a girl (2 ult. said so) and guess what? it came out a boy! i'm freaked out that's going to happen to everyone i know who's pregnant, so i have to tell you! congratulations!!! is julie starting to feel better? the 2nd trimester is alot easier than the 1st. love you guys!
OH my word, you two crack me up! Congrats again! You'll both be wonderful parents!
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