Tuesday, May 06, 2008

49 1/2 years apart...but so much in common.

Today marks 2 milestones in the Mulligan Family. First Billy turned 6 months old today and second Pop turned the big 50! Even though 49 1/2 years separates these two William Mulligans they have so much in common.

The love for a great team...

good work ethic...

lack of hair...

amount of teeth, and in the next year we hope...

as one is getting out of diapers, the other won't be going in.


Sunday, May 04, 2008

Ahh, the cuteness overtakes me. Another fun day with Little Billy. He is rolling over quite a bit now, and we have to keep a close eye on him. I tried to get a picture of his two new teeth, but he likes to hide them. He will be 6 months old on Tuesday. It's crazy he's that old already. He's getting to be such a big boy. He sleeps really well for us--about 10 hours a night. Praise the Lord! Not as good with naps since he doesn't like to miss anything that is going on. He is very active every minute of the day, so that is probably why he sleeps so well. Daddy was teaching him how to beat on the drum today. He did a good job. We'll have to get a video of that.


Thursday, May 01, 2008

Still Pictures (as still as they can be)

Well, we've done so many videos, that I decided it was time to get the regular camera back out. Those kind of pictures are the ones you can actually put in a scrapbook or a photo album. The first one is the first picture in awhile that is not of my child. I took it at Hannah's baby shower, and I never take good pictures of flowers, so I had to post this. The rest of course are pictures of my oh so beautiful child.