It's a Pearl Export EXR and it is sweet! I love it! Thanks mom and dad! That's pretty exciting but nothing compared to this...
Julie is Pregnant! We had an ultrasound done, heard our baby's heart beat and found out that she is due some time in November. We are so excited! Please be praying for Julie as she has been both sick and tired. God is awesome! I'm gonna be a daddy :)
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! I was just thinking about you both, wondering how you are. YEAH! I'm so excited.
Congratulations Julie and Billy! I was so excited to find your blog one someone else's. God Bless, oh this is JoyAnna Neiner.
dude, nice drum set...heart beats, drum beats, neat beats, sweet beats... beats... weird word... rearrange the letters and you get TEABS! or BEAST! or SETAB! or BESAT! or TABES! or ABEST! SEBAT! or....
:) congrats on the baby, no more hernia, or paper route, drums & everything else. love you guys, and so excited for you both.
Billy, I can already tell from that picture that the baby looks like you. Congratulations, guys, I know you'll be great parents. Love you!
I am so excited for you guys! Congrats!! Its the one of the greatest things in life!
Carrie Morris (for Chris too!)
oh my word! that's amazing!!!!! i'm SOOOO excited for you! i can tell you from personal experience, all of the discomforts that come from pregnancy are SO worth in the end! just look at our little girl, she's adorable! i can't wait to until this baby is born! if you have any questions, feel free to ask. oh, and if you go to, you can sign up to get free magazines about babies. is $7 a year, but worth it. anyway, congratulations!
there can't be anything more amazing than that in life!! except getting to see them come outta there!! holy cow that's gonna be crazzy :) congrats. come visit us soon!!
billy and julz, oh my word, congratulations! i can't believe you guys are pregnant! that is soooo incredible! i am SO excited for you! i have been trying to get in contact with you. i messaged billy on facebook but haven't heard back from him. i'd love to catch up! my email is love you guys!!!
the public demands another post!
Yes indeed, the public people demand another post! Well said masked figure.
Yes, another post is in order. Though I know I'm not very good about keeping my blog updated so I can't say too much. Anyway, I miss you guys, and I will hopefully see you soon! School is over and I can now not be MIA at church and youth group! My goodness it's been a long month. I'll see you guys soon.
oh my gosh!! i have been taking drum lessons (i am obsessed with the drums!) i am so jealous that you have your own kit!!
congrats on the baby!! :)
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