Monday, February 26, 2007


: a protrusion of an organ or part (as the intestine) through connective tissue or a wall of the cavity (as of the abdomen) in which it is normally enclosed

Billy found himself in the hospital last weekend--not because he had Peter Pan peanut butter, but because he tried to push a van out of the snow and aggravated his hernia. They had to cut out the only fat on his body.


Anonymous said...

Two questions:
1) any pictures of the incision?
2) how old is your doctor?
2b) when does he graduate medical school?
Get well soon, we love you!
Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...

all of these pictures make me smile in a different way, the last one looks like a commercial for the hospital. in all honesty though, we're very glad you're doing better, and someday you'll be able to laugh again.

Anonymous said...

OUCH!!! Get well soon Billy. Praying for a speedy recovery.

Sarabeth Grace said...

glad you are feeling better Billy!

Laura Siegrist said...

first of all, i think it is hilarious that you posted about a hernia, complete with pictures, and second of all, i'm sorry!!!! that sounds horribly painful! i hope you are well on the mend!

Becky said...

I 'm so glad you are doing better P.Billy. Joe, Grace and Emily B's play is April 26-28. Love you guys!! See ya Sunday!

ashley said...


no seriously, that's hilarious. bummer that you couldn't come out this weekend! but congrats. :)