Tuesday, June 26, 2007

William John Mulligan IV

We are so excited! We found out that our baby is a boy, and no one is more excited than Poppy Mulligan (my dad). He already has the rights to be his agent, and is bringing the paperwork this weekend.
He is a very active baby and is 15 oz right now. Julie and I were watching a movie last night, and I was able to feel him move. We have a feeling that he is goi ng to be a BIG BOY just like his dad (9.5 lbs 22.5 inches)...poor Julie. Please keep praying for us we are so excited to see what God has instore for us in this new adventure.


Anonymous said...

so so awesome. love you three, praying for you often :) crazy how much of a baby he looks like now, instead of alien baby!!
can't wait tofeel B4 kick one of these days... but I'll ask first :)

Anonymous said...

Rock on! Cowboy's jersey for the new baby! LOL

PB & J said...

only an Eagles jersey for this boy!!

Anonymous said...

Forget the football jerseys! We're going to dress him up in little duckie hats and booties! Can't WAIT to get my camera on that boy!

Laura Siegrist said...

is it just me, or does he look like billy already? i'm so excited for you guys!!!! i forget, when is the due date? you should put up some pictures of julie! i want to see the pregnant mama!
are you coming to tlc this year?

Joe Clarke said...

Yayyy childbirth

ashley said...

he seriously looks like billy.
man that's cool.

we miss you guys. how are things going in Ohio? we think about you often and wonder how Shepherd's Grace is doing.

Are you coming out to PA for TLC? we're going the first week. how about you????