Monday, November 13, 2006

This is Billy's hair before...

This is Billy's hair after.

We have been enjoying life in the recent past, in case that is not evident in the pictures. Our pets have been enjoying life as well, except they seem to be missing a lot that's going on because they are always sleeping. Awww, how cute. All three of them so close together. That hardly ever happens.

We had some fun in the leaves recently as well!


Anonymous said...

Buried alive in the leaves. What fun!!!
Yeah the mohawk is back!!

Anonymous said...

having a leaf party yourselves? you just couldn't resist. thanks for the comment it's our first!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...when I was a kid, I just grew my hair real long and didn't try to make it stand up like did however look just as bad!
...when I was a kid we didn't have all of those leaves to play with in the city...once we took an entire day and found as many as we could and made a big pile out in street and buried my friend "goat" in the big pile...his Dad ran him over when he got home from work.
Get well soon!

Joe Clarke said...

haha, i love the leaves photo. Rock on.

Full of JOY said...

HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!! so fun to see your blog! how the heck are you guys??

Full of JOY said...

heyyyyyyyy! so fun to see your blog! how the heck are ya?!!