Right. Well, we promise to keep up with this blog. I know we say this now, and we have said this before...but we really mean it this time.
I guess the first question you are asking yourself is "who are you?" Good question by the way. You should always know the type of people you are reading about.
We are Billy and Julie Mulligan, affectionately known to some as PB and J and to others as the morons who never mow their lawn, clean their garage, or bring their trash cans in from the street.
Anyway, we live in Medina, Ohio. If you don't know where that is, don't feel bad, we feel safer knowing you don't.
We have two cats and a dog. And that's the story of our life.
Bye now.
As the first official postER for your blog, I commend you to your efforts and look forward to YEARS of effectual blogging! - Chad R. Voller
we switched the setting. now it will let you post as anonymous.
Yeah. It's about time. :) I love to see what y'all are up to. I'm so excited.
Nice job on the Fred Shero thing, he was an interesting guy.
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